We are an Independent Publisher of Exceptional Expert Books.

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There is no better way to establish yourself as the authority in your area of expertise than with a book.

Our Approach

We provide consulting, editing, design, and book launch marketing for therapists, lawyers, and other experts.

We’ve spent decades developing techniques to teach even the most inexperienced writers how to share their expertise in a way that both creates a powerful difference in many people’s lives and grows their professional profile so they can make the difference they want in the world.

Our success is proven. We have created over 1,800 bestselling books in a row and helped their authors make their biggest ever impact in the world, launching or multiplying businesses, being elevated in their career and industry, and generating millions of dollars while helping millions of readers.

Women, Indigenous People,
People of Color, Queer people, Neurodivergent thinkers, and people with physical differences have been taught their voice has less value. They have had their ideas shut down or stolen so many times it’s frustrating. But that’s exactly why we do what we do. When we use the colonist tool of authority like a book, we take back our power and claim the impact we will make.

Awards and Recognitions

1800 Best Selling Books

98% Success Rate

Over 50,000 Students

1800 Best Selling Books ● 98% Success Rate ● Over 50,000 Students ●

How We’re Different

Authors have many choices in today’s publishing landscape. You can go with a traditional publisher, self-publish, or work with a hybrid publisher. There is no right or wrong choice but it’s important to understand the options. Our approach is a combination of hybrid and self-publishing which we invented to minimize total author expenditure and to give our authors maximum control of the IP and their revenue path. Here’s the break down.

Traditional publishers prefer authors with an established following. They take a long time to get a book out and share a small portion of the revenue with the authors - generally about 10%. They also won’t help with career or business strategy because all they want is book sales. This is a great approach if you just had a video go viral with millions of views or if you are trying to leverage a TV appearance.

Self-publishing requires authors to become experts in book strategy, editing, and design, but you get to keep 100% of what you make after your expenses. This is awesome for personal projects like turning a journal into a book or doing a family ancestry project where having the best strategy or design isn’t essential to success.

Hybrid Publishing provides the benefits of a traditional publisher without the wait or the gatekeeping, and it provides the benefits of self-publishing without the risk of launching a low-quality book. While it doesn’t require you to be famous, this also means the strategy for how the book is used to grow your impact is up to you! The biggest downside is it does this at a very high cost. Not only do you pay upfront for all the editing and design services, but you still pay hybrid publishers 20 to 50% of any money you make from sales.

DIFFERENCE PRESS is the fastest, most cost effective way to get an expert book to market quickly, is like hybrid publishing because you get all the professional quality publishing services, but like self-publishing because you get to keep 100% of what you make after your expenses. Most importantly,

Difference Press is the only non-traditional publishing company that provides comprehensive career and business advice for how to use the book once it’s published.

Our Founder

Dr. Angela Lauria

Dr. Angela Lauria is the founder of Difference Press, a home for therapists, lawyers and other experts committed to writing books that make a difference. She has a PhD in Communications from the European Graduate School and an M.A. and B.A. in Journalism from The George Washington University. 

In the last few years she has published over 1500 bestsellers in a row, 90% from first-time authors. But most importantly her authors have collectively influenced over millions of readers around the world.

Angela is Queer and Autistic and especially loves working with people who have historically been marginalized.

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We know books. And we understand the support you’ll need to get your book to the finish line.
The Difference Press Team has helped hundreds of authors write, publish and promote their books. Our team is the best. We get it done. We make it fun.
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Need Help with Your Book Idea?

Becoming an author can help you grow your professional profile and gain credibility in your field of expertise. We help you position yourself as an exceptional thought leader with a book.
Opportunities start at $15,000.

Ready to Get Your Book Done?

According to the NY Times 91% of people want to write a book, but only 3% get it done. Why? It’s an overwhelming project. If you need help pinpointing your idea, we want to hear from you.
Opportunities start at $4,500.

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Consulting ● Editing ● Design ● Book Launch Marketing ●