Debbie Lazinsky


How Debbie went from a one-on-one local coach to hosting international events and making 10 times more revenue!

“Debbie spent the first 27 years of her career climbing the corporate ladder as she planned events of all sizes in fabulous locations. When her weight finally tipped the scales at 318 lbs. she knew she had to make a major change in order to save her life. She was successful in losing 185 lbs. and as a result, she felt a calling to let as many people as possible know what she had learned along the way.

She opened a successful nutrition counseling business where she was seeing 30 clients per week for 30 minute sessions each. Her business may have been thriving but she was exhausted juggling so many clients. She realized her business model was not scalable and she needed to make another change. She’d had the idea to write a book long before she became a coach but she now knew the book was a way she could reach more people without burning herself out.

When we started working together, Debbie made the decision to put her trust in me the way she wished her clients would trust her. She trusted my process, relied on my team for support and completely committed to writing and publishing her book. She was able to publish her book just 56 days from the day she started writing. Most of it she wrote in only three days!

Since her book has been published, her business has completely transformed. Clients who are committed to making life transformations have started to find her and she has people lined up to work with her. She has restructured her coaching program from $50 for 30 minute sessions to $3,500 for 6 week programs with live events at luxurious locations around the world where she can completely immerse her clients in what she teaches in her book.

This has allowed her to really dig deep with each client and she has become more successful in getting real results for her clients. To date she has coached over 500 people who combined have lost 30,000 lbs. She now works fewer hours and makes 10 times the revenue she did before! But more importantly, she now feels a greater reward from getting tremendous transformational results for her clients.”


Majeed Mogharreban