Megan Jo Wilson


How Megan designed her dream lifestyle by writing a book that helped her create a multi-six-figure Transformational Author business.

Megan Jo Wilson came to us with the goal to build a transformational coaching business.

At the time, she never had a consistent flow of clients coming into her door.

Not only did this hurt her financially, she also wasn’t able to pursue her calling of helping her dream clients….Because she didn’t have enough of them!

She wrote her first book with us in just 9 weeks, and by following our step-by-step process to create a Transformational Author business, within one year she had built a multi-six-figure business!

Through her book, she was able to design her dream lifestyle and create a business that transforms lives on a DAILY basis!

Click book cover to buy on Amazon


James Jacobi


Dr. Shaunna Menard